Many thanks to the resident who took the time to attend a scrutiny meeting at the council last night about changes to rubbish collections from October 1, and emailed the following information to us:

  • Binmen from Veolia are contracted to put the wheelie bins back in the same place where they found them, so if you leave them (as directed in the literature) just inside your property to avoid blocking the pavement, they will be returned to that same spot.
  • Bags of clothes and batteries for recycling can be left on top of your bins and will be collected every week.
  • Currently less than 50% of residents leave out food waste to be collected in a brown food caddy. It is hoped that the new system (under which food waste will continue to be collected weekly) will see this figure increase. Anyone without a brown food caddy can ask the council to deliver a new one.
  • Apparently the largest number of requests to the council regarding the new wheelies have been for bigger bins, and for more bins, one council officer reported.
  • What to do with your current bins and recycling boxes once the new system comes in next month? A councillor promised that there would be some sort of collection arranged for unwanted bins, with details to be finalised by the end of November.