We’ve heard from a number of residents asking why there are almost permanent piles of uncollected rubbish bags at the top of Haydons Road, and why nothing is being done about it.

Every person is under the impression they are the only one who notices. Well, the good news is: you are not alone in complaining. The bad news is: it’s not making much difference, is it?

The heap of binbags next to the litter bin (pictured in our blogpost) reappears almost as soon as it is cleared. We see repeated posts on Twitter giving information about litter dumps that have been reported to Merton Council and litter collection contractor Veolia. Local councillor Ed Gretton has been active in trying to get the problem dealt with by fines to those who are causing the problem, prosecutions and covert surveillance. Some signs have gone up advising of when rubbish should be put out for collection.

Again, it doesn’t seem to be making much of a difference, does it?

We have sympathy for residents of flats above shops on The Parade, who presumably don’t have space to store their rubbish in their homes for two weeks since we switched to the fortnightly collection system. A simple solution needs to be available to them so they can dispose of their waste in between collections. Indeed, we believe they do have special interim collections, but only for waste put into the correct, officially issued bags. Some in Merton are having problems getting hold of these bags, we understand. Others don’t know when and how the system operates.

In the meantime, rubbish begets rubbish, and as long as dumped refuse gets picked up (essential to prevent a health hazard), what incentive is there for those responsible to abide by the proper system? Do let us know if you know what the long-term solution to this problem is. At the moment, walking down Haydons Road is a question of dodge the binbag and pick your way past the ripped open rubbish sacks. Disgusting.