Thirteen years after it was included as a planning condition at Haydons Road Station, step-free access to the southern platform could be in place by the end of 2023.

In a Strategic Theme report to be considered by Merton Council at its September 13 meeting, our local Thameslink station gets a mention as follows:

Yes, you read that correctly. Planning permission for the development at 1 Caxton Road – approved by Merton Council back in 2011 – apparently provided ‘a significant opportunity to quickly, easily and cost effectively improve accessibility at Haydon’s (sic) Road Station‘.

Which makes you wonder why the southbound platform of this station has remained inaccessible to people with mobility issues for more than a decade.

The new step-free access declaration comes under a section of the Strategic Theme Report headed “INCLUSION – INCLUDING MEETING THE NEEDS OF PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES” stating ‘Public realm accessibility is a key inclusion priority, including for people with disabilities‘.

No step-free access since 2011

People with small children, a pram, pushchair or a bicycle – as well as those using mobility aids, with mobility challenges and other impairments – will be watching developments with interest and hope.

And perhaps wondering why it has taken almost 13 years to rectify a key public realm accessibility issue that can apparently be delivered ‘quickly, easily and cost effectively’.